Es increíble como un juego tan pequeñito puede ser tan bueno y tan adictivo. No se cuantas veces he vuelto ya a picarme un rato mas y todavía no había dejado comentario, así que aprovecho: 11/10, no le cambiaría nada!
really fun when i got the hang of it, heres some personal thoughts but im wondering why there isnt a window between when i fully charge and when i can release. having to throw instantly when ur finished charging makes you fully at the mercy of what eels are on screen at that exact moment if there was like 1 second you could hold it longer and release to fire it would be a lot more forgiving.
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Anguilas gigantes y monos?? Top
really fun when i got the hang of it, heres some personal thoughts but im wondering why there isnt a window between when i fully charge and when i can release. having to throw instantly when ur finished charging makes you fully at the mercy of what eels are on screen at that exact moment if there was like 1 second you could hold it longer and release to fire it would be a lot more forgiving.
Got to 148, this game is SO GOOD once you get how it works. Great job !
Damn that's a great score! I can't get more than 120$ 😤
Awesome art. Pretty hard but fun once you get the hang of it.
Yeah, it has a tough learning curve haha
Pretty freaking cool mechanic here! Also reallh sweet artwork! 👏👏👏 Good luck!
Thanks!! ❤️
Sopita de pepino
El Peak del Gaming, arpones y sopita
No se necesita nada más
hoy se come
Muy bueno este Working Simulator.
El seguro no paga el dentista